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Drill Pipes with Welded Tool Joints

The drill pipes with welded tool joints are installed in the drilling string and are connected with the kelly bar in the top and with the drill collar and drill bit or tool in the bottom.
TU 1324-137-0147016-01
This specification cover seamless steel pipes with upset ends and welded tool joints.
The drill pipes with welded tool joints are installed in the drilling string and are connected with the kelly bar in the top and with the drill collar and drill bit or tool in the bottom.
The pipes are to be used for drilling oil, gas and test wells, workover, and emergency service in relevant casing strings.
The climatic zone of use is from I1 up to II12 as per GOST 16350.
The tool joints to be welded to pipes are supplied in accordance with TU 3663-128-01470016-00.
The pipe integrated tool joints are considered to be repairable items.
The specified repair life (original life) of tool joints is not less than 1200 screw-unscrew cycles.
The sizes of drill pipes with welded tool joints and of tool-joint thread are in accordance with API standard, Spec. 7, and extend the range of drill pipes not covered by GOST R 50278-92.
The pipes have optimal values of ratio of torsional moments of tool joint and of pipe, also they have optimal moments of resistance box and pin, and of tensile strains of tool joint and pipe.
In pipe design, the optimal values of pipe end upset coefficients were selected; it results in good pipe characteristics in respect to reduced mass of pipe.
The pipe end upset can be external (EUE), internal (IUE) or combined.

The pipes are manufactured at four length groups:
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Pipe length, L, m: 5,9…6,3 8,0…8,4 9,0…9,4 11,9…12,5
Standard pipe size Strength group Tool joint Thread Reduced mass of pipe (L=9.3 m)
kg/1 rm)
Mtors. t.joint/
Mtors. pipe
Screw torsional moment of tool joint thread,
BN-60х7,11 D, E, L, M ZP-86-45 Z-73 10,4 0,9 3000
BK-73х7 D ZP-86-45-1 Z-73 12,8 1 3000
BK-73х9 D, E ZP-92-34 Z-73 15,8 0,9 4500
BK-73х9 D, E, L, M ZP-105-45 Z-86 16,5 1 6700
BN-73х9 D, E ZP-105-54 Z-86 16,2 1,1 5600
BN-73х9,19 D, E, L, M ZP-105-51 Z-86 16,7 0,9 5890
BV-89х8 D, E ZP-108-45 Z-86 18,9 0,9 6770
BN-89х6,5 D, E ZP-121-76 Z-102 15,7 1 6000
BN-89х8 D, E, L ZP-121-68 Z-102 18,9 0,9 8000
BN-89х9,35 D, E ZP-121-68 Z-102 20,9 1 8000
BN-89х9,35 L ZP-127-65 Z-102 21,7 0,9 9000
BN-89х9,35 M ZP-127-62 Z-102 21,9 0,9 10000
BN-114х8,56 D, E, L, M ZP-159-93 Z-133 26,9 1 19000
BK-127х9,19 D, E ZP-162-95 Z-133 31,1 1 27100
BK-127х9,19 D, E, L ZP-162-89 Z-133 32,1 0,9 22700

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